Happy Friday! It has been a week packed full of life. I am praying that you have truly sensed His presence with you this week.
Would you agree with me that we live in a society that encourages us to earn our way?
Have you ever thought about what you are currently trying to earn?
As I sit and type this in the comfort of my little home, I have just kissed the Engineer goodbye as he is off to ‘earn’ a living.
Over my years, not that I have been around real long or anything…HA! But long enough to see people ‘earning’.
Earning grades, earning applause, earning awards and recognition, earning consequences.
The one thing that makes my heart sad is when I see us trying to earn salvation.
I have personally seen it in my own life.
Kay Arthur asks in her book Giving God Our Obedience:
“Do you realize how much God loves you? He loves you so much that His Son left heaven, came down and confined Himself to the womb of a woman. He was born a human being; God in the flesh.”
His birth story is packed full of purposeful details that led Him to live out His story in such a way that led Him to a cross, for a very purposeful moment.
I choose to believe that if salvation could be earned, we wouldn’t need Jesus.
And I just somehow can’t seem to make that ‘write’ into the story He has already written.
I have seen what it looks like for me to try and ‘earn’ my salvation.
There where times in my life where it looked more like a good Christian girls check list,
Bible time check!
Prayer, and prayer for all those on ‘my list’ check!
Prayer before each meal check!
Listen to Christian music check!
Went to church check!
Was a good wife, mom, and friend check!
Now girls don’t get me wrong, these are great things, and when done out of the right heart, they are meaningful, and beautiful. But it all goes back to how I see God. Do I truly treat Him as a ‘something’ to do? Or do I live in relationship with Him because I truly believe and know He is with me. He is with me in every minute of my day. Am I acknowledging His presence? Am I standing in awe of the reality that He has chosen to be a part of my everyday?
There are times in my life where I was focused on pleasing God, instead of living in relationship with Him.
As I sit here this morning I am reminded and encouraged to quit trying!
What Happens When Women Say No,
To trying to earn salvation?
Just maybe it looks like a most beautiful grace and loved filled relationship with their Jesus!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Outside of the Bible, one of the most impactful statements I ever read came from Jerry Bridges' book, Growing Your Faith. He wrote, "Nothing you ever do will cause God to love you any more or any less."
Not quite times, not sacrificial giving, not praying.
And when I realized I didn't have to "have" quiet times in order to be loved by God, my daily time in the Word became sweeter. When it wasn't a duty - it became a delight.
I am so thankful we don't have to earm God's love or our salvation!
I agree with "Irritable Mother" in that our worship time with God should not be a duty! It's a joy to be able to come down to my computer(I need my commentary!!) in the wee hours of the morning. It is just peaceful...God is near. I don't have to do anything to earn His attention...it's there just waiting. I do keep Him waiting too often though! But He loves me just the same. Grace!
Oh, how I love Jesus. He means the world to me but sometimes I know I fail to give Him the attention He deserves, but He loves me anyway. What a beautiful Savior.
A relationship with Him, ahh, yes Nichole that is what I want, too. Lord, My goal in life is to "know You," more each day, (Phil 3:10).
This was Paul's desire and I want this to be my heat's desire also. "That [I]may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent," (John 17:3).
Catch my prayer's coming your way!
Lori - AZ
Turning in my "resignation" this week and going to enjoy the reward of just being the King's daughter. With relationship comes privilege!
Thanks for this, friend.
Freedom right there.
We choose to do life with Him {Him big us small} or without Him {on our own doing our own thing}
Just read in 'who switched off my brain' by Dr C Leaf, the three biggest lies we swallowed from the enemy are:
~ we must do well
~ we must have people like us
~ the world must be easy {especially as a christian}
Earning has to be fruit from these, no?
All I can say is Amen! This is such a powerful post Nichole. Thank YOU LORD! Praise God!
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