I acknowledge the topic of Sex makes many people uncomfortable.
Why? Is it because we have not grasped Gods view of Sex?
It is SO hard to find the right perspective in today’s culture.
The views and voices of Sex that we are bombarded with each day:
The media (Such as:- Songs, Movies, Talks shows, Commercials, Advertising, Magazines)
Sex is always easy between a man and a woman, it just happens naturally
More that one partner is healthy, normal, and more exciting
Staying committed is old-fashioned
Voices of those who would like to minimize the purpose
"Sex is only for men"
"Sex is NOT to be talked about"
"Sex is something for women to just endure"
Voices that would like to share way too much in public, while it may be positive information it offends others sensibilities
Giving too much descriptive and detailed information
"Follow these directions and you will be successful"
Shouting out and claiming that Sex is a right
Voices of certain church fathers
Some church fathers can be found in quotes stating that Sex should be without passion or enjoyment. Or that all Sex is a sin even inside the marriage covenant. With this being found in history it is sure to have been heard, accepted and applied by some, right?
Your mom
Now this is all very dependent on the voice of your own mother. This spectrum goes from strict absolute SILENCE to a mom who lived out her personal Sex life in front of everyone to see. This voice ranges from those who gave wise and helpful advice to those who shared hurtful, negative and possible damaging advice.
Other married people
"Just have Sex with him so you can have children"
"Once you are married Sex will get old real fast, especially once you have been married as long as we have"
"I give him what he wants so that I get what I want, more shopping privileges"
All these voices have influenced our view of Sex.
The purpose of this series is to focus on Gods intended purpose and perspective. To come to Him and seek to hear His voice.
God the creator has a purpose
Will you join me today in praying for the courage and strength to stop hearing these other voices, to be still and seek to hear only One voice?
I know God has something to say and His voice has volume!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago