Okay so many, many weeks ago I heard God speaking to my heart that He wanted me to facilitate a blog series on relationships. I wish I could tell you that from the moment He first started whispering until right now here in this very moment that I have felt nothing but elation, excitement, and in complete control. Yes that's what control freaks want to feel all the time! But friends its so not the case here. I have been overwhelmed, frightened, pushed a little too far, stretched, twisted! I have been fiddled with!
Friends I believe we can't truly experience life without allowing God to fiddle with us. You see His fiddling is very purposeful. He doesn't just 'try' something out on us to see if it works, nope, He knows it will! So when He fiddles its all good!
Is it possible that when He fiddles with a mommas heart on releasing her boys into the next season and phase of their lives that there is eternal purpose? Is is possible that this fiddling that really hurts a mommas heart is all about relationship? A relationship in which God is asking me to trust Him above all else. Could this fiddling be about restoring relationships? Will the fiddling be worth it?
Dear Father God I want more than anything to be a girl living on purpose in relationship with You. I want my mind, heart, and soul to be filled with You. I want to trust You and submit to You in all things. Even when it seems what You are asking of me is really stinkin hard. I know You don't fiddle with me because You can, but because You want to. Your fiddling is full of Your heart extended and shared with me. Thank You for loving me before, now and tomorrow. I desire to be Your girl complete fiddled with on purpose. Amen
Friends as the facilitator of this series please know that I have been fiddled with by Our God and know that I believe its all on purpose!
May we allow Him to fiddle with us! May we trust Him, He knows just what needs tweaking and He knows just how to do it perfectly!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
I love how you say that He doesn't just "try" things out on us to see if they will work...He already knows what will work. Oh, how glad I am that we can not only trust how He works, but also the heart behind the work. :)
Praying for you as He fiddles with you!!!
Love you!
You have really made an impression on my life and made me want to get closer to God. I started today praying for a closer walk with Him and to be able to hear that still small voice that I hear others say they can hear. I know it's not an audible voice but I do know the feeling when there is something God wants me to do.
My blog has gone haywire. My right sidebar is at the bottom of my posts. Edie is working on it but she can't figure out what happened. I've been out of town and had not posted until yesterday and that's when it happened. Do you think God's is testing me to see how I will react? or is it the enemy trying to stop me? I'm not reacting very well but I have put it in God's hands and told the enemy to take his hands off my computer and me. He has no authority over me because I am covered by the blood of Jesus so in Jesus name he has to flee.
Will you please pray that this problem can be solved without so much hassle and concern on my part and Edie's (she redid my blog design several months ago).
My husband and I just needed to get out of town and visit our daughter in Virginia for a while. I feel like I've been robbed. Am I making any sense at all or am I just going off the deep end?
Thanks for listening. If you feel you need to write me please use my email address. I will check the box when I sign out.
You are a blessing and God is definitely using you,
I’m finding that the more I try to live intentionally for Jesus and the more I seek to follow His Will, the more He fiddles with my plans. But, as I am pushed and pushed a bit more, He truly knows my needs! He puts people around me that help me along. Just like this blog! At times I have felt that this whole series was especially designed for me! God has become so big to me during this Series. He is like that ya know - He doesn’t put us in situations that we can not do. He only stretches us to a point that keeps us coming back to Him! As I go along, thinking everything is okey-dokey, another curve in the road appears out of no where, and I realize once again, I’m leaning on my own rather than depending upon Him. Since my Savior is the ONLY one that knows me inside and out, is the only one that knows my tomorrows, is the only one that truly satisfies me, I say, fiddle with me Lord! I need it! It’s you and only you I want to cling to! Always. Your ways are better than my own! I love how personal our relationship is turning into!
Thank you, dear Nichole for your inspiring words. As they flow out of your heart, I say, thank you dear Lord, for knowing what I need, before I even know! Thank you for the closeness I feel as I put my trust in You. I’m sorry I continue to do things my own way, and my heart feels over-joyed that Your love remains forever, & always faithful.
Catch some more prayers coming your way - sweet sister Nichole!
:) Lori - AZ
I think God has been doing a bit of fiddling with me also, but for some reason I am resisting His pull.
Some seasons in life are just plain HARD!!!!!
Yes Lord is all I can say!
Dear Alice, I lifted you up in prayer dear sister! The computer can be so overwhelming at times! But, someone once told me re: another situation I was going through, "What a difference even a day can make." I bet in a week or so, this computer glitch will have worked out and everything will be fine. I checked out one of your blogs and it seemed to be perfect! Hold on to those 5 things you are thankful for. How very blessed you are to have a husband who prays with you before he leaves each morning.
Quite often the enemy comes in to get us side-tracked and flustered. But he can't take our true source of peace away, no matter what! Know sweet sister that God is in control. Maybe He's fiddled with your computer, because He knows this is one way you will rely on Him, rather than let the enemy get your feather's flustered! :)
Thank you for sharing your heart.
Hugs, Lori - AZ
And in the end, the song will be simply marvelous!
Yes, indeed. He knows exactly what He is doing. And it is all good.
Thank you for your testimony - reminding me I am not the only one who struggles at times with the feeling of being out of control. Because the One who IS in control knows just what He's doing. *thankful sigh*
I've always loved the term "fiddling". I truly love this article. God has a way of working with us doesn't He. I do appreciate your openness and willingness to post what God wants you to. You have encouraged me. Thanks.
I've never pondered this in terms of God "fiddling" us. Very moving and thought-provoking. I like how you said He doesn't fiddle with us to just try it out but rather He knows it will work.
Oh to be fiddled by the Father!!!
Just making sure you got my e-mail about the cd players --- did you? I asked you to give me a call and included my phone number. It's a holiday weekend so you've probably been busy, but just wanted to be sure!
I'm joining many sisters across the nation, reading through the Chronological Bible, with precious, Wendy Pope. Today, one of the verses just popped off the page at me, as it related to this post!
Psalm 33:11 -
"But the LORD's plans stand firm forever; his intentions can never be shaken." God "intentionally" plans and carries out every detail in our life! Whatever is apart of His Plan for us, He has "intentionally" orchestrated it. His plans for us will not be shaken. They will not be upset. They will not be overcome. They will not be disturbed. "He made [our] hearts, so he understands everything [we] do." (vs. 15)
Dear Lord, My heart rejoices in You. I put my trust in your holy name. Thank you for your unfailing love that surrounds me.
Thank you that you have been with me from birth; no wonder I want to praise your mighty deeds, and tell everyone about You. Lord, be my everything. Amen.
Intentionally living today for Him,
Lori - AZ
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