Now I am just a girl! One who so does not have it all together at all times…ask the ‘regulars’ who visit the blog often…better yet ask my family!!! So I thank you for your patience, your encouragement and most of all your prayers!
I am firm believer in being bold when being bold means standing up and shining the light on a great and awesome God! The main purpose of this series on Sex is to do just that!
To come into the light and see all of what God intended Sex to be. To grasp His purpose, beauty in design, we must come into His presence, we must seek His face.
Can we fully seek His face if we are still in the dark? What keeps us from seeking Him?
Is it something in our past holding us captive?
Is it something in the present that won’t let us step towards Him?
As I have prayed and prepared over this series God has oh so gently whispered that not everyone is ready for this.
Not everyone is ready.
There are people yelling on the other side of this screen…
"but you don’t know what has happened to me!"
"but you don’t know where I have been!"
"but you don’t know what I have done!"
"but you don’t know what I can’t stop doing!"
But God does!
Can I be bold today and say;
It’s NOT where you are, but where He is!
He is standing right there arms wide open to hold you and to take this all away.
Friends that’s the beauty of grace.
Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help. Hebrews 4:14-16 (The Message)
May you know today that He knows you and He loves and adores you.
May you allow your Creator to heal the past, love you in the present, and secure your future in Him!
Friends please take a moment to listen to this song, listen to Your Creator whisper to your heart!
He loves you!
May you seek Him and seek the beauty of grace today!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Something is waiting for you at my blog.
Tears of joy fill my eyes as I read this post and listened to this video....
This is where I was... God exposed the ugliness and delivered me from it...
I'm freed from my scars and memories....
Praise the Lord....
All that hurt, ugliness, scars and mess was bound up inside me and it was breaking my body and mind.... I was in so much physical and mental pain...
Since my deliverance a month ago I'm a new person... the old person is dead and buried!
Praise the LORD! AMEN!
Thank You Father God for this series and for the people you use to reach me and others. In Jesus' name, amen.
Beautiful post. I love your line..."It’s NOT where you are, but where He is!" Amen, amen, amen!!!
Our God is bigger than our past, bigger than our pain, and big enough to help us work through anything that has been done to us or what we've done to ourselves. What an amazing God we serve!!
"It's NOT where you are, but where He is."
Yes. THAT'S the beauty of grace!
So thankful for your sensitivity to God's Spirit and your offer here for women to receive grace and healing - and HOPE.
God bless you, dear sister!
We have a great and awesome God that is consumed with passion for each one of us! And... we may not know it, but, He has us where He wants us to be. He is drawing us closer to Him as we seek to see His main purpose of sex.
Thank you, Nichole, for listening to his lead, as He guides you where He wants you to take us.
Hugs & prayer's, Lori - AZ
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