Hello Friends! I want to start by saying, thank you for being real with me, why? Because you remind me that being real is oh so important and worth it!
I come today to share with you that the enemy has camped himself right outside our door. Yep he has decided to pitch his tent, build a fire and the sparks from his fire are hot!
These sparks are trying to ignite a huge fire of destruction in many areas of our life right now!
The enemy is trying to set ablaze:
The Engineer through his work
The mommy and the daddy through our parenting
Our finances
My health
Our church
And the enemy is hoping that the smoke from his fire will keep us from seeing our God. He is trying to smoke us out of our purpose!
This morning I found myself in Daniel 2 reading this:
Then Daniel returned to his house and explained the matter to his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said:
"Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.
I thank and praise you, O God of my fathers: You have given me wisdom and power, you have made known to me what we asked of you, you have made known to us the dream of the king."
Daniel 2:17-23 (emphasis mine)
Now I know this scripture above and its in the context of Daniel being asked by the king to interpret a dream. But my prayer is this morning that you will join me and my family in prayer for us to keep remembering that God is in control. Just like with Daniel! Daniel didn't know the kings dream let alone how to interpret, it wasn't humanly possible.
Daniel replied, "No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. Daniel 2:27-28 (emphasis mine)
I know God gave me this fresh living water from His Word this morning to show me He is in control. He is over this hot fire and He won't let us be burned!
Friends please know that is my heart to live completely for God. But this fire is hot, and it burns! I know that the enemy would not be camped outside our door if we were not a threat to him. Now I don't say that as a holier than though statement, or that our family is more important than anyone else.
But the enemy doesn't like:
An Engineer who is a man of ethics and integrity in a secular world
A mommy and daddy who are trying to raise their boys to love and live for Jesus
Us to be secure in God alone, the enemy will use worldly things to distract us
Me trying to be Godly wife, mom, friend, daughter and speaker so he will try and mess with my health and keep me in pain
Us being fed, so he is even trying to keep the unity out of the church
Please join us in praying that we stay focused and firm in God. Knowing that He is in complete control.
I know God is working and I know He can see through this smoke!
Thank you for your prayers!
**Note I promise we will finish up the relationship series soon! Thank you for your commitment, prayers and encouragement!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
I prayed for you!
Last night at Vacation Bible School the speaker said think about how Satan attacks you, and if you don't remember the last time he attacked you, you need to do some self-reflection and make sure you're not on his team!
So glad you're not on his team! Keep living for Jesus!
Sweet Nichole,
I had the deepest burden for you this morning during my prayer-walk! I prayed over you, and now upon reading your post, I know the Spirit was leading me to pray. He's so awesome to intercede that way. He knows our needs, more than we do. Looking up in the sky while I was walking, I observed the most beautiful rainbow, coming out of no where! Shortly after, a few sprinkles just fluttered over my face, allowing me to FEEL His Presence. I was reminded that His Promises are true, yet today! The God of yesterday that took care of all of our ancestors is the same God we share today. He is the LORD! He is in control of everything. The enemy is shaking because his days are limited. You keep praising God dear friend, and the enemy will have to back off! He can't stand to be in God's Presence.
Dear Lord, Keep Nichole steady and secure when she feels weary. When her circumstances seem bleak, give her rest and keep her refreshed so her Spirit can be renewed. Pour your blessings on her today, as the enemy tries to throw his darts in her direction.
We many not understand why events occur as they do, but we acknowledge that You know.
Give strength to Nichole; allow her to rest, knowing that all of this is part of your over-all plan.
Give her the words to pray over her husband and family and church.
"Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7
More prayers coming your way dear friend! Lori - AZ
God is THE heat shield. We MUST allow God to shield us from the adversary. Yes, God is in control! Nothing happens that isn't on purpose. Praise the Living God of Heaven. In Jesus' name, amen!
Keep on praising God! As you draw closer He draws closer...He is your refuge in this. He will not forsake you or leave you. Hold on tight little one; knowing Jesus Loves You!
As I'm typing a little song was placed in my head:
Climb, Climb up Sonshine Mountain, watch His heavenly breezes blow.
I know God is telling me these breezes are His sweet whispers to you telling you "I Love You" trust the truths.
Love, Hugs and Prayers
Oh Lord, keep this family under your wing. Make them aware of your presence in their circumstances. Bring them help and relief. Keep them free from fear. Strengthen them and help them. Lord, bind the enemy that comes against them, with cords that cannot be broken. Silence the mouth of the enemy that he cannot speak again. And send the enemy away to a place of your choosing, never to return to harrass this family or anyone again. I pray this in the Powerful Name of Jesus. - Amen
Much love to you Nichole!
Isaiah 41:10
I'm back! :)
I just wanted to share Spurgeon's devotional for today. I thought it might be an encouragement.
June 23
The Enemy Frustrated
Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the king of Assyria, He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it. (2 Kings 19:32)
Neither did Sennacherib molest the city. He had boasted loudly, but he could not carry out his threats. The Lord is able to stop the enemies of His people in the very act. When the lion has the lamb between his jaws, the great Shepherd of the sheep can rob him of his prey. Our extremity only provides an opportunity for a grander display of divine power and wisdom.
In the case before us, the terrible foe did not put in an appearance before the city which he thirsted to destroy. No annoying arrow could he shoot over the walls, and no besieging engines could-he put to work to batter down the castles, and no banks could he cast up to shut in the inhabitants. Perhaps in our case also the Lord will prevent our adversaries from doing us the least harm. Certainly He can alter their intentions or render their designs so abortive that they will gladly forego them. Let us trust in the Lord and keep His way, and He will take care of us. Yea, He will fill us with wondering praise as we see the perfection of His deliverance.
Let us not fear the enemy till he actually comes, and then let us trust in the Lord.
Girl... I prayed for you and your family. May the healing rain of God fall and douse the enemy's campfire... he's not welcome in your home!!!!
The enemy knows his days are numbered so he's attacking where ever he can. He's been near my husband and I trying to put health issues in our bodies, but you know what, he can't do it. When you come against him in the name of Jesus and tell him to flee he has to go. That's what Jesus told us to do. I've done it very loudly over me this week. I refuse to accept anything he tries to put on me. You, your family, and your church are covered by the blood of Jesus and he cannot cross that blood line. Father, in the name of Jesus we tell satan to flee and take his hands off this family. He has no authority over them because you are in control. I pray that Nicole will fill the sweet, sweet Holy Spirit flood her soul with your love, healing and whatever else is needed in this family, in the name of Jesus.
There's a button on the left sidebar of my blog that says God is in control. Your welcome to copy it and put it on your blog.
God is in control,
This is today's verse from Biblegate. I immediately thought of you when I read it.
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3)
From my heart to yours,
Dear Nichole, I'm hoping you spend all the time you need with the issues surrounding you. Daily, you know your sisters across the nation will be lifting you up in prayer; knowing that we are with you in Spirit.
Chatty Kelly, I've been thinking so much about what you wrote! Thanks for sharing!
To all of us here, working on our relationships...Nichole stated, "How would all our relationships look if we focused on nurturing the relationship?" I have been thinking about this sentence all week long as I go about my business, dealing with extended family. This is a powerful sentence. The more I think about it, the more the Holy Spirit has been poking me! Little things that have been said to me, that I want to repeat...I 'stop.' Knowing, fully, that it is a remark that does NOT need to be repeated. The words that come out of my mouth, I'm now asking myself, over and over throughout the day..."is this nurturing this particular relationship?"
Can you imagine if everyone in the world thought about this single sentence as they went about their day? If we only spoke words that were nurturing! Nichole, thank you so much! This is something we all can on ponder over. Let's let this really sink in, dear sisters... as we spend more time nurturing a relationship. Seeing a particular person through God's eyes...not through our own cloudy eyes.
Dear Jesus, Surround Nichole with your endless love today. Lift the heavy burdens off her shoulders. Pour peace over her and allow her Spirit to fill her up with strength and good health. Thank you Jesus for being right there with her all day long. Amen.
Lori - AZ
Oh, Nichole. My husband and I were just talking last night about how under fire our family has been, too. I will be praying for your family...and I know you will lift up mine...because that is just the sweet kind of prayer warrior you are.
Love and prayers,
K :)
I will be praying for you. Typing from my I touch . Not easy LOL love to you
Father, please be with my dear sister, Nichole. Father, be with her today. Father love her today. Father give her peace today. Father give her You today. Father I rebuke Satan in your son's name, Jesus. He has no power over her life, mind, spirit, soul any of the such. Father open her family's eyes to what is truly going on. One thing they know for sure is that Satan is attacking them. Father bring justice to their situation. Father we will be sure to praise you because only you can bring true, real and pure justice. Father, I bring our adversary to you and tell you that he's guilty. Father, we ask you to do something. That something is bring justice. Father we trust you to do so and will sit back and watch you bring this answer to our prayer. We love you Father. Increase our love as a generation more for you every day. Let our lives keep showing how much we love you. For love truly is an action. A deliberate action on purpose, a choice. Father, we humbly prayer this in your son's name, Jesus. Amen.
Can't wait to hear how the hand of God has moved in this situation. I am waiting with anticipation, joy and excitement.
Thank you for all of the prayers you have prayed for me sometimes annonomously and sometimes knowing it was me! You challenge all of us in developing a stronger more meaningful relationship with Christ and for that I am thankful. I am mentioning you on a post tomorrow. I will be praying for you!
Ohhhh my sister in Christ, know that I am in prayer for you and your family. Keep praising our Lord, Praiseeeeee the dance around that campfire dance,dance,dance, see the rainnnnn put out that fire!
Oh we praise you Lord! Praying!!
These are the exact words of encouragement I needed today...the fire is HOT around my pastor, our church and those we love and my heart is so heavy! This post helped me focus a bit more...thanks for sharing your heart.
I've been deep into Proverbs these days, Nichole, and it's all about wisdom! So glad to see Daniel reiterating that God has wisdom and power, because, truly, He is the only one who can reveal wisdom to us, to shed His light upon our situations. And the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, Proverbs says many a time!
You walk in the fear of the Lord, Nichole, and God has blessed you with much wisdom--wisdom that you share to help those of us stay on the paths of righteousness.
Prayers that you stay on that path! Prayers that the God who brings foresight (not hindsight!) to those who revere Him will grant you the vision to see Him clearly, even through this time of trial.
God's light will burn brighter than any fire Satan tries to make outside your door. Won't let Satan blow it out; I'm gonna let it shine!
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!!
Nichole, sorry I didn't read this last week. We were away on a mini-holiday! Praying for you now. Trusting you have seen God working in these situations already.
Love, hugs and prayers,
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