We live in a world that honors individualism. A world that speaks very loudly all about me, and I and you! A world that doesn’t tend to hear about us, we, them! What do I mean by this? I believe our culture has lost the One true purpose. Our reason for being here on earth, to be in relationship with our Creator first and then to be in relationship with others second! Be loved and then love.
I first heard about Not Your Daughters Jeans a few months ago. They are a brand of jeans for women. I kinda of chuckled at the brand name and thought of it as funny and catchy. But interestingly enough this title has stuck in my brain for months now and has developed into a blog! Surprise. Right?
I want to encourage you today to look at another one of your relationships. The one you have with your mother-in-law. And because I am a daughter-in-law I will be speaking from such perspective.
I would like to propose some ideas/questions for us to think through:
1)Am I loved by God? Am I living in this love?
2)Do I believe God created everyone in His image?
3)Am I loving others?
I believe that the being and nature of God is so beyond our comprehension and understanding and that when He created His people He made them all just a little different. All in His image, yet each a little unique, to represent some aspect of His character.
You see mother-in-laws don’t have to wear the same jeans as their daughter-in-laws. We are different, and it’s all about how He made us!
When we truly see others as created in the image of God it will be easier to accept them, love them, and be in relationship with them.
We are driving in the car and the song Testify to Love by Avalon comes on the radio. I love this song so I turn it up a little louder. Tyler (my almost 5 year old) asks from the back seat, ‘mom what does it mean to be a witness?’ A word that he hears in the lyrics of this song that is playing on the radio. I explain, ‘a witness is when you tell someone about something and this song is talking about being a witness for Jesus, telling other people about Him’. Tyler responds with ‘well the best way to learn about God is to dig out Gods Bible, all His words are in there!’
So today we are going to ‘dig out Gods Bible’ and see what He has for us on relationships between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws!
The book of Ruth is a beautiful story and real life representation of what a healthy relationship between a mother and daughter-in-law can look like when lived in the fullness of Gods love and grace.
When we read the book of Ruth, (which I challenge you to do it’s a great read in four simple chapters) we learn more about the relationship between Ruth and Naomi then we do about the individuals. How amazing is that? God wants us to focus on the relationship, not the individual!!
**How would all our relationships look if we focused on nurturing the relationship?
God was the center of the relationship between Ruth and Naomi. Their relationship worked because of God!
May we trust His way and know that when we align our hearts with His, He will create the relationship.
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
This is a tuff one. I am going to take you up on it. It just has not been happily ever after over here. So tomorrow I am going to read and get back to you. Love ya
I love the book of Ruth. And, God has blessed me with a wonderful mother-in-love. No, we don't wear the sames jeans :), but we love and serve the same God and try to put him first.
Have a great weekend! Have a Happy Father's Day--your hubby!
I miss my mom-in-law. She lost a short battle with lung cancer a few years ago. But I'm so very grateful that my girls still call her by name!
She was not a Christian, though her oldest daughter showed us her Bible at her memorial service, with Psalm 23 open. But, she was a teacher, and a very good one at that. She was sharp witted, a wordsmith, a great gift-giver and always engaged you in conversation--even if it was just a nod and smile.
Ruth and Naomi may seem an incredible story, given relationships nowadays. But it is so rich, loving, and what God intended for family. Where we have difficulties accepting the Word, we need to pray for His eyes and His heart!
I love the book of Ruth. Thank you Lord for this post. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thank you for sharing this post! It has caused me to think...hard about my own relationship with my mother-in-law. It is not a bad relationship but not the best either. Her jeans fit her differently in so many ways. I need to be more accepting of her as she is not as she should be.
Thanks again and thanks for your sweet words on my post. That too is a nanosecond I will remember!
This is one area I can do well in for a change! I love my M-I-L. She is an awesome godly woman and I admire and adore her. God really blessed me in this area, since my relationship with my own mom is lacking.
Great words today. (I've seen those jeans too...I think I'm about ready to need them. LOL!)
I had a great mother-in-law who loved God with all her heart and her children (11 -1 died at 2 1/2 yrs old). They did not have a lot but they had what they needed. I'm sorry my children did not get to know her. She went to be with the Lord in 1972. She did not get to see most of her children saved but I'm sure she rejoiced in Heaven. All the boys are Christians, one daughter died at 47,(not sure how things were with her and the Lord), the oldest accepted Jesus before she died. The one still living I'm not sure about either.
A good post for those who are younger and still have their mother's-in-law.
My mother-in-law has always shown love and kindness to me; however, my thoughts have not always not been so loving. She is agnostic in her beliefs; her only child, is my husband. Over the years I have grown to appreciate her good qualities that she passed down to my husband. She remained happily married to her husband until he died. She continues to give generously to many, many charities, she spends her money frugally and never once has been in debt.
Honestly, I've never thought about God creating everyone in His image as much as I have since reading these posts. I know without a doubt that God created us. I guess I just did not think about it...."we are all a little unique. We represent some aspect of His character." WOW. Does that put things in a different light or what?! :) When you really think about God creating every single one of us, as I've been doing, [thank you, Nichole!] it just puts a whole different perspective on things. How can we not love everyone when we look at it from God's view? With my sinful thoughts, I wonder why God even loves me, and He does. Morning after morning, He just keeps loving me. The least I can do is show love from the bottom of my heart...whole-heartily! It's not about me! Lord, I want so badly, for my heart to be like Yours, help me show love in my day-to-day relationships, just like you show your love to me. Fill me with your Spirit and transform me bit by bit.
I absolutely love the Ruth Chapter. Ruth's faith in the Lord God and her loyalty and kindness to Naomi were richly rewarded. Faithfulness allows us to be used by God.
Dear Lord, Help me nurture the relationships you have placed before me. Help me see my mother-in-law through your eyes. Open her heart so that she will be ready and willing to accept you as her personal Savior. Amen.
Thank you dear Nichole for this post! Lori - AZ
I absolutely adored my mother-in-law. The Lord called her home suddenly 8 years ago. It remains a great loss.
You mentioned Avalon. I'm so excited to be seeing them this summer at the camp where we spend our holidays. Can't wait!
Hope you're having a special Father's Day with your family.
I love my mother-in-law. I really do.
We used to have a rough relationship, probably mostly due to my insecurities, but things have changed dramatically. And I am forever grateful!
True, we don't wear the same jeans, but I have realized that's OK! *grin*
I love this. I love the reminder that we do not have to wear the same jeans. I love my mother-in-law very much...but our differences have kind of been magnified since my husband and I moved back home. I needed this, Nichole. Thanks for being such a precious instrument in the hands of the Father.
You even spoke on exactly what He was showing me right before I came by here...about loving Him FIRST, focusing on relationship with Him...and then loving others next.
Love you,
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