Hello and welcome to the blog! I hope you had a terrific weekend.
I sure did...you know there are perks to being the only girlie in the house and having a birthday! It was most definitely princess day yesterday. Thanks to the Engineer,two adorable little boys, family and friends...I had an amazing day!
The past few weeks have been super full for me...especially in my head!
Have you ever stopped to analyze...or think about what you are thinking?
No really...stop for just a second...and whats going on up there in that mind of yours?
Oh friends mine is so full....
"The laundry is spilling out onto the floor out of the laundry basket and I can see it out of my 'left peripheral vision spot'
"What am I going to fix to go with the roast that is in the crock pot?'
"Can't wait til the neighbor finishes the 'project' and the neighborhood is less noisy...hammer...hammer....hammer"
"I am totally bummed I didn't find a new pair of running shoes this morning"
The thoughts go on and on my friend...and as I read back through that list above...those are pretty okay and healthy thoughts...consuming none the less.
But I know there are some thoughts rumbling around in my head that are not so healthy...
"The boys have been acting out more lately and thus you are not being the best mom, and you are failing"
"You are really not the one who should be leading Women's Bible study, their are women way more articulate, professional, classy, obedient, graceful, humble...."
"Chocolate will help in this moment"
If there has been one statement that I have said over and over in the past week or so...
I want to be able to turn my thoughts off!
Yes I have said it...I have prayed for it...I have even started reading a Bible study by Jennifer Rothschild to help with this whole thinkin' issue....Me, Myself and Lies. Great study so far...but it has not quieted down my thinkin'.
I think.
I analyze.
And then I think some more.
Do you struggle with this at all?
If so...now you know you are not alone...I am right there with you!
I am seeking Jesus in all of this. I need Him to help me sort out the thoughts...keep certain ones captive...get rid of some...and help me to move certain ones to the front!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8
Whatcha thinkin'?
Shall we seek Jesus and have Him clean up, organize and sort through our thoughts?
Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. 1 Peter 1:13
I know He created us to have a peaceful mind...not one that is so packed full of stuff...and just think in the peace we will be able to hear His voice a little better!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Tomorrow night, we finish up Jennifer's study at our weekly gathering of women. It's been a good study and one that has me thinkin' about my thinkin'. It's also nearly worn me out in the process. My thoughts have been in OVERDRIVE during these past few weeks; I don't know if it's because of the study or because I'm now more aware of my thinkin'.
I wish I could say the thinkin's been all positive, but it hasn't. I've done A LOT of questioning of my abilities as of late, especially my parenting, my writing, my ministry, my faith. In fact, I don't suppose I ever stop thinking. Wish I could... even if for a little while. Perhaps the reason I so look forward to AI on Tuesday/Wednesday nights. At least I'm not thinkin' about me while watching them!
Happy Birthday. Sounds like you had a lovely time!
My mind seems to always be churning. Another verse that came to mind reading this is:
II Cor. 10:5b "we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
Thank you for the encouragement to think about my thinking a bit more intentionally and consciously. I needed that challenge.
Nichole, I have a lot on my mind for sure. The most pressing one at the moment is: Where will we live next? How soon will I have to move? You see... we're losing our house and we have to move soon. Well, one other thought I'm having is: It's just a material thing. We'll be able to find another place to live. God will provide. Praise HIM.
Oh, by the way, happy belated birthday Nichole.
As I am preparing to walk into my Transitions Lifestyle class (Low Glycemic eating plan) - all I can think about is how hungry I am and WHERE"S THS CHOCOLATE:)
When we realize that Jesus--alone!--is our peace, then we need to ask for Him to be our peace. We can't think peace and expect it. We can't clear away all this stuff by ourselves; we do need Him to do that for us.
We just need to turn to Him when our lives are so full of thoughts, otherwise, they pile up like that dirty laundry, yes? I'm feelin' it this week!! Lord, I've got this load that needs sorting..... :-)
Happy, Happy, Belated Birthday to you sweet daughter of the Most High!
The first verse I memorized in 2009, was the one you mentioned, Donnetta, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Cor. 10:5. This is a verse He specifically had me memorize for many reasons! I had initially wanted it to be a Truth engraved in my innermost being because of the "thoughts & making them obedient to Christ"; however, God was after more than this with me! That "pretension" which means "conceit." aahh, the conceited-ness inside me! yikes! Now, He's moved on to my "insure" thoughts along with my "judgmental" thoughts!!!
I'm tellin' ya Nichole, my little mind can go a mile a minute! It's very good at multi-tasking, too! But, thank goodness, God is pursuing me! As I cling to Him, I'm finding more and more, that it is when my thoughts are on Him, thanking Him, and praising Him, and praying to Him, and reading His word, that, that is when I have pure peace -just like Sue said. And, that is where I desire my thoughts to be: thinking about Him.
Great post! Love you! Hugs!
Oh, wow! You totally just reminded me I have to get dinner in the crock pot. Thanks! Gotta run. *grin*
Oh, how I wish I could clean up and organize my thought life. Can't turn the old brain off most days, which I guess in reality, is a good thing. Oh that the Lord would bring every thought captive under His control and I'd accept the truth that I have "the mind of Christ." (1 Cor. 2:16)
You're not alone.
Love ya,
You said it sister! "Have you ever stopped to analyze...or think about what you are thinking?" I have sat still & really taken stick on what I have been thinking about today- stuff that REALY made sense @ the time but was essentially utter rubbish! I worried about my to do list- things I might forget, the about not finishing my list, then fussed about which dinner option would be better, had a major worry about my toddlers health which does not change one ounce how she will be when the meds are reduced tonight and at the end of the day most of my list was attended to, the family ate, the medicine was reduced- consequences pending & I lost slot of the day to stuff that should not have been there- ok I'm giving myself 10 mins in the self control chair!! Tks for the reminder :)
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