Happy Wednesday friends!
Today on the blog I want to spend some time using Chapter 9 of Eat the cookie…buy the shoes to pray, ask some questions, and truly hear from God.
I am sensing that this will be hard for some of us today. Please know I am praying. I believe that to be set free and truly live in the abundant life He has for us we have to allow Him to renew our minds.
Chapter 9 is titled Celebrate You.
When was the last time you celebrated yourself?
Now some of you might already be getting ready to click off this blog because you are thinking how in the world is this biblical…this sounds a little too selfish!
Well if you are courageous keep reading my friend…
Let’s start in Genesis.
So God created man (and woman) in His own image. (Genesis 1:27) (emphasis mine)
God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. (Genesis 1:31) (emphasis mine)
Okay are you with me so far? You were created in the image of God and when He looks at you, He smiles and is pleased with what He made.
Maybe you grew up never hearing just how amazing you are. But please take a few seconds to think on this, think to a point where it gets in to your heart today.
The Creator of the universe made you…He did so on purpose. He loves you. He thinks you are worth it! He thinks you are amazing.
Until we truly grasp who He has created, we cannot appreciate ourselves and thus not love ourselves.
Now please know there is a healthy God designed balance between thinking too highly of ourselves and thinking too poorly of ourselves.
For we need to keep this balance. And when we do we honor good with our thoughts.
So what do you think of yourself?
Is it God honoring?
We have been created on purpose. The purpose is to be in a love and grace filled relationship with God. A relationship made possible by Jesus.
Without Jesus we are nothing in ourselves, but with Jesus we are everything!
And once we are in this love and grace filled relationship with God, He can work in us and through us to accomplish His purpose on earth.
What your life amounts to is directly connected to what you think of yourself. We need to learn to think like God thinks. (pg 94)
God views us the way He knows we can be.
Beautiful, worthy, holy, perfect, righteous, redeemed, renewed, pure and filled with grace and love!
How do you see yourself?
What side of the cross are you living on?
Are your thoughts of yourself in agreement with Gods?
How would our lives look if we actually believed God loves us and smiles upon us?
May we know who God is, what He thinks of us, and may we celebrate what we have in Jesus!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Thanks for all you've said. Knowing that God loved me when He created me solves a problem I had earlier this week. My oldest daughter asked me to join her in reading Rich Warren's Purpose Filled Life, a 40 day devotional book. I don't know if you've read this book or not but I had a real problem with Day 2. Rick talked about how God created us and even chose our parents, etc. I can't go into detail but I did get peace and knowing God loved me when he created me makes my understanding a whole lot better.
Blessings, AE
Rick Warren, not Rich. Sorry, AE
Thank you for sharing as God has laid on your heart. Tonight I need His love and am grateful for your prayers:)
Wheeewww.... Nichole! That's a lot to process! I'm still trying to digest what I read! I know God loves me. It's taken me a very long time to get to the place where I am... But reading your post sort of puts me on the edge of understanding. I'm sure when the time is right it'll all just fit together. Thank YOU LORD for using Nichole to share Your message. In Jesus' name, amen.
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