Good Day Friends! Hope this Wednesday finds you surrounded by some most amazing things...if you aren't seeing them...then I pray that the distractions can be wiped away and you will find them...they are there!
As we move into Chapter 11 Give Your Soul a Vacation in Joyce Meyers book, Eat the the shoes I would have to say this chapter was packed full of some great stuff.
First, have you ever given your soul a vacation?
Now if you are like me I was wondering what that meant, how does that look exactly?
Joyce defines your soul as that which is 'comprised of your mind, will and emotions'. (pg 113)
Now you might be able to hear the Engineer shouting in the background..."Yep we need one of those around here...the emotions and hormones are on their next flight out of here!" Ha!
As I got into this chapter I realized that I know how to have a 'physical vacation'. Physically I rest my body...if you remember I have NO problem taking breaks...playing...going for walks, taking a nap, etc!
Taking a soul vacation involves learning how to live life like Jesus. And if we don't undesrtand that our souls we won't be a whole and healthy person.
If worry, doubt, fear, shame, anxiety, depression, stress and a mix of other emotions fill us...then our souls are not at rest, we are not at peace and not fully living out what God has for us!
Like I said above this chapter is packed full of some great much as I would really recommend the book for even just this chapter alone.
Are you weary? Tired? Worn out?
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne. Matthew 11:28-30 (Amplified Bible)
I have always loved these verses above. The first thing we need to do when we feel weary, tired and worn come to Jesus!
And I struggle with this...its hard for me...its my stubbornness and pride issues. Because for some silly reason its ingrained in me to think that asking for help or showing signs of needing help is weak! I know crazy...but its an issue for me!
"Asking is the first rule to receiving, so don't be too prideful to ask for help." (pg 116)
It's as if Joyce is writing this chapter for me!
The enemy wants us to feel weak and worn out. He wants to push us until we have no strength left. The enemy wants us hearing lies, thinking foolish thoughts, saying silly things...why? Because then we won't be enjoying life and we certainly won't be living out the joy of Jesus for others to see.
The rest we find in God is for our mind, our will and our emotions. It is a complete rest.
When we 'yoke' with Jesus, which literally means to come together with Him, we get very close to Jesus. So close that then He can help us balance out the things in our life...and because we are so close to Him we can then learn how He responds to every situation.
That last little bit is a very key point. Life is messy, not always fair, difficult at times, and full of challenges, issues, hormones, obstacles and more! But friends if you will, think back to what the life of Jesus looked like as He walked and lived it out on this earth.
For Jesus it wasn't a matter of asking for a change in circumstances...though I am sure He would have loved that at was a matter of attitude.
And friends He wants to teach us that we are to have a right, proper and good attitude about what God's purposed for us.
Hard to type...even harder to live out!
"We can change our quality of life by changing our attitude toward the small and big things that usually irritate or anger us." (pg 125)
I think those words above need to be tattooed on to my arm!
How do we get rest for our souls?
Come to Jesus.
Pray and invite Him into the situation.
He will provide rest for your mind, will and emotions as well as your body!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Nichole, this was a powerful chapter!! I need to get a copy of this book! Thanks for sharing it on my blog! Hope you and the family have a great day!!
Love you!
Yeah. That might be a good tattoo for me as well. *wink*
I need to learn a little more about physical vacations, too, but I think the soul variety should come first.
Love you,
News Flash: I'm on a Soul vacation. Leave me a message and I'll reply when I get back from vacation... O' but wait, this is a vacation that will never end... Lord, help those who need a Soul vacation to be able to seek You in their everyday lives. In Jesus' name, amen!
Wow, that's a good one. A "soul" vacation, God will have to help me with that one.
Great post - I really need to begin reading the book - kind of got lost in the shuffle of the events of this past week. Now, time to rest, laugh and enjoy life.
We most definitely need to make some major changes in our lives after the scare we've had.
Planning on doing some 'soul' resting this weekend:)
i know someone that recently read this book, too. sounds interesting. thanks for sharing it!
Hey Nichole,
Just checking in to see how you're doing.
Love to you,
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