Good Morning friends...thank you so much for your prayers, words of encouragement and emails! I have had a better past few days. Not completely rid of it...but holding tight to hope that it is coming soon. I have a drs appt this afternoon to review some blood work.
I do have to say with resting that much I had a lot of time to talk and converse with God! It comes as NO surprise to those who know me that I have a serious issue with the need to control my world and sometimes the worlds of those around me too! So submitting my agenda and my schedule last week was SO not fun for me! One of the main things that was the hardest to let go of was my primary ministry last family. It was so hard to not be able to run and chase the boys, to tickle them, to play with them. There were times I struggled with the whole idea that this very thing was being taken from me...yes it was a dark and lonely place to be! What brought me out of that dark and lonely place was a gift covered in grace and love from my Father up above...the opportunity to see the Engineer step in and fill in for his teammate. And boy did he! He is amazing, because of his hand crafted DNA...he did a great job! He cared for me, fed us all, played with the boys, did the dishes, kept the house clean, answered the phone, fed the dog...oh I am sure there were many things he did that I won't ever know...because he is just that good! The other hard part of last week was having the doctors say they don't know how to fix what is wrong. For I was so dependant on them to take away the pain and make the room stop spinning! And just when I thought there was no hope... if the doctors couldn't diagnose, fix and heal me...where was God in all of this? Then I heard Him whisper:
"I didn't leave you, I know whats going on and I'm taking care of it, so trust Me because its all going to work out just perfect-because that's the ONLY way I do things."
I praise God for the patience He has with me.
I praise God for the amazing husband.
I praise God for family and friends that are committed to praying, because they know pray works!
Coming to the beginning of this new week I am again reminded by some most precious words He chose specifically to whisper to my heart...a heart that desires to remain teachable by Him.
"Its not about you Nichole...its about one more making it to my feet and thats living your life on purpose!"
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
So true friend. It's not about us at all! I hope you feel better soon, but most importantly that your heart feels better as you keep surrendering. Love you!
You are so right. It's all about having patience, faith, and Love for Lord.. What a wonderful family you have.
Sounds like he has you all planned out so get prepared.
Have a blessed monday and week
Oh Nichole, I'm sorry to hear you were feeling so rough. I hope you are back to normal soon.
You are a dear! :)
This is very encouraging...the words God whispered to you. I love your last's all about one more making it to His feet. Amen.
I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. It seems at times there could be nothing worse than an undiagnosed condition/symptoms. However, He is right what He whispered to you...this, too, He has in control and will provide the answers and solutions you need.
I just thought of something that I should share with you...
When God is doing a spiritual work in us I think it can create a physical effect. Not to say that all physical issues are from a deeper spiritual healing but I believe some can be. His love can penetrate our DNA therefore affecting our physical health. In the process it may not be fun, but in the end it will be much better than before the spiritual healing. Just something for you to think on...
I don't know if the reason you are not feeling well at this time is because of a spiritual healing or something else but I thought lead to share this info. Either for something in the past, present or perhaps the future.
Thank you so much for your prayers! I think His love is breaking through. I can see it!
Holding hands with you with like hearts lifted to Him.
As my girls say: Get well soon and I am praying for you. BFF:)
Love ya
Well listen to you thanking God!! Love that. I especially love His word to you about His care. Precious.
I sure hope you feel continue to get well. May God continue to speak over you today and always.
Look forward to reading your posts. Always inspiring.
Thanks for your friendship and words on my blog. You encourage me.
Amen, sista!!
I have been reminded of this quite a bit lately.-- Good stuff!
Hope you recover quickly.
I'm so sorry for missing this. I will be praying for your restored health.
Love the whisper you got. Feel better!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment last night. I am so glad that you are doing better. I hope you are doing even better than the day you posted this. :)
I'm sorry I've been away lately. But know that God still continues to keep you on my heart. I am praying for you!
Love to you,
K :)
Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you. Your life has so much purpose. May the Lord be filling your life with His presence.
Love, prayers and hugs,
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