I don’t know about you but I can’t seem to remember anything these days unless I write it down. If it’s not on the calendar I won’t remember its happening, and if it’s not on the grocery list it won’t be purchased.
If we run out of something, it doesn’t work to just shout…”we are out of toothpaste”
It has to go on the list.
It can be heard in our home…”Put it on the list!”
It occurred to me in between the hours of last night and this morning that I have another special list I keep. A ”List” for God. Yep and because I want this blog post to ‘go there’, I am, out of obedience and a lesson in pride going to share that list. This list is a visual for what is currently on my heart, concerns, issues, circumstances, ‘stuff’ that I have been thinking about and talking to God about.
Nichole’s Prayer List
The Engineer and his stressful job.
Praise that the Engineer has a job.
Family sick with colds and/or flu.
Friends who are sick, or their children.
Our church in the middle of a pastor transition, health of our church.
Tyler in kindergarten, and my momma heart that is grieving.
Car troubles with both of our vehicles.
Praise for Girlfriends Unlimited, the new women’s ministry at church.
My sister, haven’t heard from her in a few months.
My mom who is in a whole lot of pain, needing relief from pain, and surgery soon.
My Father-in-laws health.
My dads job.
Bitterness, pride, jealousy, loneliness in my heart.
Many people who are without jobs, or who are having major stress at work.
Marriages, friends and family who are struggling.
Friends and family who are desperately seeking to start or expand their families with babies.
Friends who found out they are pregnant again.
Living My Life On Purpose, the ministry.
A friend in her new marriage and being a step-mom.
Praise for a healthy recovery and healing for a Cindy, who lived through breast cancer.
My hearts desire to be less and Him MORE.
A friends daughter who was recently diagnosed with a hormone imbalance.
A friend whose little boy struggles with health issues.
Friends who went from a family of 3 to 6 recently as they adopted 3 kids at one time.
A friend who was admitted to the hospital because labor started too early.
Many friends who are pastors wives.
A friends whose husband is awaiting surgery on his knee.
Our economy.
Praise for a friends dad who got to go home.
The moral health of our world.
Friends who are traveling.
Health of co-workers of my husband.
Moms, as our jobs are hard.
Praise for such amazing family and friends!
Yesterday when I came and asked you to pray it was a hard thing for me to do. You see I am a girl who likes to hold hands with pride so often, and unfortunately it keeps me from humbling myself and asking for help…more importantly prayer.
Thank you so much for praying. For there is power in your prayers. I know that’s such a crazy term…and for years I thought so too…there is NO power in my prayers…I am just a girl! But friends hear me out on this one. And go there with me. There is power in our prayers…you see our Jesus hears them! He hears the whispers of our hearts, He hears the cries, the shouts…and He sees the ‘lists’. He is the power! When they land on Him…and He is the power…something most amazing happens! Yep! Things start happening. Peace starts flowing, love comes down, graces blankets!
Just so you know…your prayers where answered and felt yesterday! Thank you!
He whispered to my heart yesterday over and over again….
Nichole it’s not for you to figure out ‘how’ to take care of all those things on your list, your job is to be obedient.
Woo-hoo! Yeah I don’t have to the do the ‘how’…but friends can I just say His whisper still left me a little lost…you see obedience and I have been on a journey for a VERY long time…and I still have a ways to go!
Right now in this moment as I type up this blog…my obedience is relinquishing the list, knowing that He is in complete control, He is not withholding anything from me, and that He loves and adores me, and He is working it all out!
”Ah Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17
Do you have a list?
Friends would you be so bold as to join me?
Would you turn over your list?
Would you go there?
Would you trust Him and hear what He has for you?
Would you allow Him to speak to you?
He loves you. He adores you.
He wants to be in complete control of your life.
Again thank you for joining me yesterday in prayer, please know I take this whole team thing, and prayer very seriously, and because of that I want to join you in praying, praying with you for the things that are on your list. Leave a comment, make it anonymous, or send me an email, either way know that there is power in prayer!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
i'm so with you girlfriend on having a physical list (grocery).
Yes, I have a list though I haven't written one in some time.
I do say and believe there is power in prayer. I think b/c my BIG prayer(s) haven't happened my heart has failed in fully believing there is power. Yet, I KNOW there is power. Last night I struggled as I said "I can't pray about this...Lord, please forgive me for not being able to pray faithfully for this..." I believe that was my heart knowing there is power in prayer but also desiring Him to move without my prayers b/c right now it seems to be too painful to pray for this..."...notice I'm not even spelling out the "this" but I'm sure you know what it is.
Praying He'll still move as Jesus interceeds for me and prays when I can't.
Thanks for this post!
Praise God for answered prayer.
I'm not a list person. But, God does hear the whispers of my heart. I lift up prayer for a great deal. I clump things together, categorize them, as I'm lifting up prayer.
I thank God for speaking to our hearts and souls.
Thanks for sharing your heart Nichole. I can say that the Lord has been teaching me a lot about my pride. The fact that I am more inclined to pray for ME and not as much for others.
This has been my takeaway challenge, PRAY FOR OTHERS! Seems so simple but it's something I have to be intentional about. I love your heart, friend. And I will continue to pray for you!
Dear Heavenly I stand next to my friend Paula and an amazed truly amazed at how she can still be standing in the midst of her pain and her heavy heart...Lord it is SO You living in her. Your power and strength that enables her to keep going...fill her anew Lord...hold tight to her, raise her chin to see You, and love on her, thank You Lord!
Love your honesty, Nichole. I too keep a list and am totally lost without them. The prayer list is one I have to take straight to God and leave the concerns with Him. If I place burdens on my shoulders I sink in despair and become useless for anyone and anything. No one needs what Lisa can give, they need God and His power. And praise God, He is willing and able. With God nothing is impossible. Woo hoo!
Thank you, Nichole, for this prayer. It means SO much.
I'm such a list person too, as i know myself too well-I can leave to go to the grocery store for one thing, and come home with a bundle, but,-- not the one thing I went for--if it is not written down! :)
Love your honesty dear Nichole! As we offer our lists up to God, our burdens go away. "I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!" (Ps 116:1,2) God is the only one that knows what is best for us. His answer is always in our best interest because He and He alone knows our tomorrow's!
"The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers."
1 Peter 3:12.
Thank you dear Lord for drawing each one of us closer to You as we seek to grow deeper in our relationship with you. lori - az
Mmmmm. We have the list, too. Magnetic pad on the refrigerator, and the rule is - if you use the last of it (whatever "it" happens to be) you must write a replacement on the list.
Great procedure.
When it's followed. *sigh*
And you know what I was thinking about as I was reading your post? How great it is that God never forgets anything on the list. In fact, He knows the list items before we ever tell Him about them.
Yes. We can trust Him. Fully letting Him handle the list isn't easy, but He can handle it!!!
I will join you in turning my list over. Thanks!
Oh, Nichole. Your surrender here is absolutely beautiful.
Friend, I am a hand holder with pride, too. And there was one line in your list that stood out to me in bold letters because I have been really struggling with it and I will have to e-mail you on it later. Pride won't let me do it here for all. ;)
Anyways, I love you. I love your surrender. I love your honesty. Oh, how my heart feels in this moment how pleased the Father is with your total surrender to Him.
Love you and praying for you,
Nichole I could have written this post. Every night the last thing I do is make a "to-do" list for home and one for the office. I have list all over the place for everything. And yes I also have a list for God. I will be praying for you on this.
This was a powerful post, my friend! I will be lifting you up as well. Obedience is truly a blessing!
Love you!
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