I am not sure how the 'system' works in your home, but here in our little humble homestead...all 1600 sq feet of it...there are a few days that just seem long. Long days filled with hormones, tears, nerves on edge, loud noises...like some rattle in the car which is just out of reach for me to bang on while I am driving down the street.
I am thinkin' this rattle noise in the car is intensified by the hormones...and the lack of chocolate...which I will get to that in just a minute!
I am headed out in just a little while to visit with Mrs. A...its our first official parent teacher conference...now in this grieving mommas heart its something I am still not truly accepting. You see I am still NOT okay with having a kindergartner...selfish reasons really...like I missing seeing him laugh...I miss seeing him experiencing life...I miss staring at his most adorable face filled with freckles as we eat our lunch together...yeah I am NOT okay with this whole kindergartner thing...and I think the whole kindergartner thing is intensified today because of the hormones and the lack of chocolate!
You see I remember the date very clearly...Wednesday October 14th....God and I talked out this little issue I seem to have...and it all revolves around chocolate...oh and is so conveniently connected to self-control. Well we went on conversing and I lifted up a GREAT big question...'how can You prove to me this whole self-control thing?'...I know what you are thinking my friends...anyway...I truly wanted to see if it worked...but more importantly I wanted self-proof!
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-25 (emphasis mine)
Now hear my heart please, I do not think that eating chocolate is sinful. It just so happens that on that very day, October 14, He attached the two so as to take me on this little 'self-control' journey.
It has been 36 days without chocolate...and to say its been fun, easy, enjoyable, likable would be lying...and I just know that would lead me on a whole other journey...so I tell you the truth!
Its been a HARD journey!
I have encountered more temptations in the past 36 days then I even knew existed. I have had to purposefully 're-direct' myself many of times...
He is proving to me...that it is Him who fills me with the self-control to not sneak into the freezer and snitch a handful of chocolate chips!
Oh and back to the whole 'system' I started speaking about...it makes getting through that much harder my friends...cause I am a girl who so bonds her hormones with her chocolate!
So friends if you are willing and able...can you please go sneak into the chocolate reserve as your house...snitch some...and lift a prayer in honor of a girly who is needing some self-control!
I would SO do it for you!
I love you my friends!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Oh I feel your pain! I have a son that started kindergarten this year and I miss him very much (even though he LOVES school). My youngest will start kindergarten next August and I am already having a hard time with that... my BABY! God has also been working on my heart..... Now I have given up Soda (or Pop as us hoosiers call it) AND chocolate!! YIKES!!! I'm with ya on the hormone thing!!!!!! God is GOOD and I am (painfully) learning through this lesson.
Thanks for sharing,
Praying for you! I feel your pain! Ummmmm...about the hormones. Not feeling your giving up chocolate pain...cause...well, I haven't given it up. But I WILL pray for you! :)
Love you!
I feel your pain, Nichole! My name is Lisa and I'm a chocoholic. Several years ago I was deep in prayer about a situation and vowed not to touch chocolate until an answer was received from God. I'll admit, with a level of shame, that before the answer came I gave into temptation. During the holidays, I was found by my mother-in-law hiding in the pantry eating chocolate (as though God can't see through canned goods).
Praying for you!
Dear Father God... I pray and lift up Nichole to You right now. I praise You Father God for being "in control". I pray that You would lovingly guide Nichole to allow You to have control. In Jesus' name, amen.
Praying for you, my friend!
I'm not sure you should have given up your son to Kindergarten and chocolate to yourself in the same time period. But, I understand what you are saying when you say that God has put self-control and chocolate together....
Kindergarten is a huge step! We have been on quite a roller coaster ride ourselves with that. These last 3 weeks have definitely been better than the first 8 or so.
I definitely found myself in tears in prayer quite a few times, but He has been faithful. Suddenly, there is a marked difference in things, and I am so thankful.
He will bring you through your journey and set everything into the proper perspective for you.
Seek Him first, you know....and all these things shall be added unto you--and that includes chocolate!
Love the picture of you ---in front of a barn, no less!!!
I am so sorry about the chocolate thing. Believe it or not, I don't do chocolate. I don't know if I was dropped on my head as an infant and the choc. genes disappeared or what! But, I don't eat it. The smell...oh, mercy! That and the smell of coffe and seafood would send me over the edge when I was pregnant! But, other than that, I'm pretty normal!
I'll be keeping you in my prayers! And THANK YOU so much for that precious note!! I treasure cards! YOu are a sweetie, Nichole!!
Love you!
Girl, I don't know how you do it with chocolate in the house. I'm not sure how long God asked this journey to last but I would say that I would demand (loving request) that my family follow along. Now if said family found chocolate outside of the home on their own time, more power to them. But to buy and have reserves of chocolate in the house. Nada! No way Hosay!
Ban it from the house!
Well the kindergarten days have been over for a very long time now, plus grade school, junior high, high school and collge. With God's help both my girls are doing well. Now about chocolate. When I was working I had a 3 muskeeter every single day and even after I had to quit my husband would bring a few bars home, but I have slowly been weaned off them. I do eat Chocolate yogurt covered rasins. Six at each meal to spread out the fat grams. But my husband still brings chocolate in some form or another and I just can't resist. However, I am still in control thanks to my Heavenly Father.
Best wishes and God bless you,
Sweet Nichole~
"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth," (Psalm 119:115). [That is what you can tell the devil when he's tempting you with a piece of chocolate.] :) Oh, what the enemy will do to get you to lose focus on your goal! But, you my friend have the Holy Spirit in you, along with that wonderful free blessing of self-control, as you seek to abide in Him, all day long. But, oh the daily struggle as the two are in opposite demands. The self vs. the Holy Spirit. The more we are transformed, the easier it is to walk in the Spirit. Not our desires, but His---all the way! Oh...that's my heart's desire! :) That the chocolate is not on our mind, but that Christ is!
Those "firsts," are so hard. I remember the kdg's days just like they were yesterday, and here I am with one in his first year of HS and one in his last year! How does THAT happen!
Prayer's coming your way, Lori -AZ
Praying for you now and wondering how the no chocolate journey is going.
Love the example of self-control you are demonstrating...to us...and to your boys. With God all things are possible.
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