Thank you friends and family for your love, encouragement, prayers and phone calls! You are just amazing..and I am thanking Jesus for you!
Truly at the heart I am just a girlie who wants to be in a love relationship with her Jesus...and sometimes life gets me all out of happens right?
But I know too that God offers a peace, Shalom, that no matter the circumstances, Him and His peace keep us safe and secure!
So last night before I headed off to my bed...oh and what sweet rest it was! So sweet that I didn't hear my little guy calling for me...but his amazing daddy did and he got up with him...thank you Engineer, you are husband and daddy of the year 10+ years in a row!
Okay back to the gettin' in bed...I was re-reading Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa TerKeurst, which if you haven't read...seriously...its better than chocolate my friends...or maybe that just my opinion since I have been a little MORE than chocolate deprived these days...well I am re-reading the book because I get the AWESOME privilege of leading it as Women's Bible study this Spring, starting on March 4th a Thursday morning session and Thursday evening session...I am so excited to share this book and discussion with a group of Girlfriends!! Anyway it seems today is a day for tangents for me...back to me re-reading the book..and Jesus speakin' to my heart...
So right at the top of page 202 this is where my Jesus met me...
"Nancy Gunthrie once wrote an article entitled, "Prayers That Move the Heart of God." In this fascinating piece she says,
There's so much to want-healed bodies, restored relationships, changed circumstances. But asking, seeking, and knocking aren't secret formulas for getting what we want from God; they're ways to get more of God. As I listen to God speak to me through his Word, he gives me more of himself in fuller, newer ways. Then, if healing doesn't come, if the relationship remains broken, or if the pressures increase, I have the opportunity to discover for myself he is enough. His presence is enough. His purpose is enough."
Just maybe reading that and hearing my Jesus talkin' to my heart is what gave me a great and peaceful nights sleep!
I am praying this morning for you! Know that Jesus loves you, He cares deeply about whats going on in your life, and He has something to say about it! I am praying for a stillness and peace for you that's better than you have ever imagined.
Shalom to you my friends and family!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
I believe. I seek. I accept Jesus' love and care for me. I love HIM with all of my being. Thank You Jesus, Father God. Amen.
How much I needed to hear what you wrote. I'm having some health issues and usually I can prayer and God takes care of it immediately, but this has gone on for several weeks. I went to the ER last night, but they could not find anything wrong. I'm to see my medical doctor. I've been having episodes that make be feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm to have the arteries checked in the right side of my neck as the doctor said there might be a problem there. The thought came to me last night to just thank God for healing by the stripes of Jesus and that's what I've been doing today. God has done so much for me and I do give Him all the glory.
So glad He spoke to you right where you were and exactly what you needed~that is our Personal God!!!
Blessings, Cindy
His Presence. He so delights in that personal relationship with us, just like we delight in the relationship with our own children. He wants us going to Him with all of our worries and concerns, leaving them at His feet. Ahh, that peace knowing He cares for us so! I know when I just spill it all out, each and every tid-bit, it feels so much better. It does not solve the problem, but it just feels better talking to Him about it. More and more too I'm finding how often I'm lead to thank him and praise Him. He's so good to me.
Praying for you, Nichole! Love, Lori
PS I have Lysa's book and I'm excited to begin it! Wish I was one of the student's in your study! :) thankful I clicked over here. Your last several posts have not been showing up in my blog feeds! Will have to check into what is happening to them.
So thankful for the Lord's Word to your heart today. He truly is all we ever need.
We still need to ask, seek and knock, but we shouldn't do that with the expectation that God will then just hand over what WE want! He's too much in love with us to just do that all the time. His purposes for our lives will outweigh what we think is best. And when we come to the realization that God's will is what we truly need, then we will know that peace, and, like Paul, we will have learned to be content in all circumstances.
That's a journey, though, for sure....! May you and your students be blessed in embarking on this study together. May He speak to you with each chapter, and show you things of Himself that He has yet to reveal!
"He cares deeply about what is going on in your life."
That statement is like balm to my soul. Thank you!
God has me studying/teaching on Habakkuk right now where the prophet contiunes to cry out to God and finally he hears God say “Look around at the nations;look and be amazed!For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it." God is always working in our lives even when we do not see or when don't agree with the way.
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