This morning I found myself in Ezekiel 7 in my Life Application Study Bible and the title for the chapter is,
The End Has Come
In this chapter Ezekiel is revealing what God has told him. The complete destruction of Judah. The end. God has had enough, and it is finished. Wow what a way to start the morning, a little heavy hearted...a pretty strong message.
But being the bold girl I am...I truly do appreciate how bold God can be. No fluff...just get down to business.
So I started to think about ends.
The end of a line.
The end of the day.
The end of the pregnancy.
The end of a meal.
The end of a game.
The end of a book.
The end of the school year.
The end of a life.
I truly think 'ends' can be both easy and hard. Some ends we look forward to and enjoy, while others we would rather not address, like the end of a chocolate and shoe addiction...I am so fighting it!
But I think God has called us to look at in the light of His truth.
As I personally watch some 'ends' in these days of my life, I am praying
"then you will know that I am the LORD" Ezekiel 7:4
So that I may know,
That all the days are ordained by a Creator on purpose. (Psalm 139:16)
That truly God is patient, graceful and loving.
"The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
So I join in praying with a man who I love and look up to in so many ways, my daddy. Praying with our whole hearts for his parents. I join him in lifting these two who were created in the very image of our God, knowing that grace and love abounds for them. Praying and trusting that the Creators purpose is to be in relationship with them.
"Then they will know that I am the LORD" Ezekiel 7:27
Praying and knowing that Gods perfect will has a time and a purpose.
Jesus thank You for my daddy who is boldly and courageously taking steps. Love on him in ways only You can do. Thank You! Amen
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Your post about "the end" in Ezeloel makes me take a look at the world we are living in today. There are so many signs that the return of our Lord is not as far off as some would think and I so want to be ready to meet Him.
Blessings, AE
Praying for and through many 'ends' in these lives we live.
Trusting that God will draw all men unto himself in these last days.
Great post Nichole. I understand what you write about. However, at this time I don't relate to it... yet. I'm sure there'll come a time I will. I'll be praying with you however.
Some ends are needed to usher in a new beginning.
Isaiah 43:19, "See, I am doing a new thing!"
Love watching Him open up 'new things' on purpose in you my friend.
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