Monday, March 30, 2009

Moments, Memories, and Miracles

I love that we have the ability to have memories and remember special moments in our lives. Do you remember some of your firsts? The first time you rode a bike? First day of school? Driving a car for the first time? First kiss?

Today I want us to visit one of Jesus’ ‘firsts’. His very first miracle! The story of His first miracle is found in John 2:1-11.

On our journey to the cross we are learning that Jesus came to be with people. He came to meet with them right where they are. In the second chapter of John we see Jesus doing just that. He is attending a wedding. He takes time to attend this social event; it becomes an important part of His mission. He is there with His mother and a few of His disciples.

His mother comes to Him to announce that the wine is gone. Mary comes to Jesus with an everyday ordinary need. She trusts that He will meet the need and take care of the situation. Mary has never seen Jesus perform a miracle at this point, yet she believes he has the power to do something about the wine. She submits to His way of handling the situation.

Jesus uses the six stone water jars, something the Jews used as part of their Old Testament law for ceremonial washing. Jesus made something good of it-He brought purpose to it.

His first miracle! He turned the water into wine. Not just everyday normal simple wine. The very best wine. He took something ordinary and turned it into something extraordinary! Now that’s what I call a miracle. And just think He is just getting started.

The disciples who were there at the wedding with Jesus witnessed how Jesus would go about His ministry.

**He would use His God given authority

**He would help people

**He would personally be involved in the lives of people

May you know that Jesus wants to live in the moments of your life with you. He wants to make memories with you. Most of all He wants to take your ordinary needs and turn them into extraordinary miracles!


Krista said...

Beautiful reminder. I am so glad that today He is still in the business of taking the ordinary and making them extraordinary or accomplishing the extraordinary. How's that Yoga going?

Praying that God does extraordinary things through you,

Sharon said...

Isn't it awesome how he is doing extraordinary things with all of us. This is really good, I will keep this post with me today and just think about it and add it to my journal later.
I pray you are feeling better!
God bless you my friend have a beautiful day in all that you do!

Kimberly said...

I am ever so thankful that He is so personal! And I am also so thankful that when ordinary me is filled with extaordinary Him...suddenly the impossible becomes possible.

Thanks for bringing us along on your journey to the cross. It's such a blessing to journey together. :)

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Always been one of my favorites...perhaps because it was a significant first. So much there than meets the eye. I love recalling the many firsts in the Bible. I am going to re-read this tonight before going to bed and see what God has to say to me.

Hope all is well. As always, thanks for checking in with me.


Kristen said...

I loved how you said...
"Jesus wants to make memories with you" Isn't that a wonderful gift!

I too love that we have the ability to have memories too!

Joyful said...

Moments, memories and miracles. Cherishing all three.

Going to add "messages" - both one's spoken to me from the Lord most recently, but also the encouraging ones He has sent via your hand. You are a spirit-lifter my friend. You have no idea how I treasure the beautiful notes of encouragement and hope you have lavished on me. Thank you so much.

Love you and continuing to pray for you,

Runner Mom said...

I love this--He wants to take ordinary deeds and turn them into miracles! Thanks for the reminder of this! Can you imagine the wonder and awe of Mary watching her son do this...she knew it was possible, but this was, as you said, a first for her son.

Love you!

So...Yoga! What do you think?

From the Heart said...

Thank you so much for the prayer. My husband went back to the chiropractor yesterday and because the pain had moved to another area the dr. decided not to do x-rays and just gave him an adjustment. My husband says he is feeling some better. We have received several miracles within the last few days and to God be all the glory. What would I do without Him.

Jami said...

Nicole I was just catching up with you. I am praying right now for you with your health and all.

I want you to know that I so appreciate the encouragement you have been to me with your comments on my blog and your sweet Godly spirit!

I love you, my friend!!

Tea with Tiffany said...

Loved the way you ended this. With power and punch. YEAH!