Thank you for joining me on this soul reaching look at the book, One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer. It’s a great read! And I am so thankful my sweet and precious friend returned it to my doorstep when she was finished with it so I could continue on from page 88!
We have established from last time that everyone starts in Egypt. And maybe some of us even left a foot in because of comfort.
We were created for a breath taking relationship with our Creator and yet many settle just this side of it.
To truly experience and live the life we were designed for, we have to leave.
But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Luke 5:16
We have to leave and walk into the wilderness.
I am grateful for a love so amazing that not only does He want to deliver us from Egypt He want to bring us through the wilderness to develop our character, the very character He created us to have.
And when He develops our character He brings us fully to Him, our destiny. Our abundant life, an intimate grace and love filled relationship with Him our Creator.
I am praying for the power of the Holy Spirit to tug on our hearts, to move us to take the steps and to carry us on the journey.
Friends this is more than religion.
Many Israelites walking around in the wilderness had religion mastered.
But two had a relationship
A relationship that made them one in a million.
I have spent some hours in this wilderness and friends there are long minutes. There are long hours…that eventually lead to long days.
Some long lonely hard times. I know I am trying to sell you on this whole idea to leave Egypt and encourage you to walk into the wilderness…but I am being completely honest…it’s not a trip many are willing to make. And frankly you will be considered weird by many.
“I must admit, it’s been quite a surprising journey. But once my appetite had been whet, there was no turning back. I was ruined. Mundane Christian living would no longer suffice. Not then, not now and by God’s grace, not ever again.” (One in a Million, Priscilla Shirer)
And your wilderness journey will not look like another. Because it was plotted out specifically for you. Details all put in place for you to experience God. And when those details start to be lived out, you will find yourself in the middle of the wilderness…
And it will hit you that you are NOT in the wilderness to identify all the tree species. You are NOT in the wilderness to create the best over the campfire dinner. You are NOT in the wilderness to critique the journey of all the other wilderness travelers.
The purpose of the wilderness is:
To hear Him.
To experience Him.
To fall more in love with Him.
It’s all about Him.
It’s not about pitchin’ a tent or fit for that matter.
It’s not about when you will get out.
And really it’s not about what is next.
It’s about the now, being in the now with Him.
The wilderness is not our design. We don’t get to draw the map, or call the turns. We don’t know the timeline. And we really need to be okay with that.
When we purposefully allow His grace to bring us completely out of Egypt, and allow Him to wrap us in His love, trust that He has great things for us; we will walk peacefully with Him through the wilderness. We will be intent on reaching the Promised Land.
And friends that’s living life on purpose!
“The magnificent obsession of the Jew was to experience the Messiah, to witness the ushering in of the kingdom of God with all its promised benefits.” (Jesus Christ Disciplemaker, Bill Hull)
Please join me next time as we gaze ahead on the Promised Land.
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Great post. I look forward to the Promised Land.
Where do I sign up... I'm ready for my wilderness journey! Jesus, take me away! =-D Praise the LORD!
Aahh, sweet Nichole, I read the book, but am getting more out of it even, - the second time around - (through you! haha)
"He lets {me and you} rest in green meadows; he leads {us} beside peaceful streams" (Psalm 23:2).
How sweet He is! Hugs, Lori
A great study I did with my girls last Fall in our former church. Hearing your thoughts today brings back some of the "lessons" of that time. Yet another way that God "saw ahead" and prepared my heart for the wilderness I'm now stepping.
Hope you are well. Thanks for your prayers. I'm a bit weary-worn today and sore. So much going on in my head, heart, and body.
I't about the now, about being in the now with Him...
That is a lesson I am continually having to learn.
Feeling such a tug at my heart for more. For a deeper, richer, more intimate walk with my Father.
Love you so.
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