Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Today I am writing to dump a lot of "ickies" down at the feet of Jesus. Knowing He is big enough to handle all of what is going on in our world right now.
Personally last week and this week have been two VERY hard and stressful weeks inside the walls of our home. If you have visited my blog before you know that I tend to stay on the positive side...yet I am a very real and geniune that is what this post is about today.
This past week I found my self putting alot of expectations on the people around me. I expected other moms to mother the children the way I do...because all of the world knows I do it just perfect...hehe! I expected church people to act Godly and loving to each other. I expected my friends to see my needs, my pain, my heart and just step in and help...yet I never asked for help and hid all the above from them! I expected my husband to put in the same amount of hours at home caring for the house, kids, as I was. And totally forgot to add up his hours at work each day! I expected us to stay healthy and not get the flu bug that is going around, and each night we have been up with sick little boys who can't sleep because they are puking miserably. I expected people to have the same amount of passion for my ministry as I did, not realizing its a personal passion from God to me.
Basically I went against everything I always "share" with others:
To have Low Expectations!
I was expecting people around me to be everything I needed; when God was standing right there ready to be everything for me...but I wasn't paying any attention to Him.
He did get my attention many times in the past few days. Thank you Father God!
"Nichole I want to be your Friend, and I want to love you unconditionally. I want to provide you with strength and energy to be a mommy, a friend and a wife. And Nichole, you Need to Expect all things from Me, because I am passionate about you."
May we put all our expectations in Him only!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Oh, dear. Middle of the night ickies are enough to get any mom a bit distracted! I am sorry! We had a mild case of that in my house this week, too.
Thank you for your openness and honesty in this post. We all have to be reminded from time to time to look to Him to meet all of our needs. He has certainly had to remind me of that fact MANY times.
Blessings to you as He meets all of your needs! And I am praying for your family!
"I expected my friends to see my needs, my pain, my heart and just step in and help...yet I never asked for help and hid all the above from them!"
Girl....I totally just went through this! I don't know why I felt the way I did, I knew people cared about me and my friends did...I guess when we act one way kinda expect others to act like that too. But when the world let's us down I think it leads us to a very tender spot with our Savior. He's whispering in our ears, "I'm here, always."
I hope things get better soon, but thanks for keeping it real!
Hey Nichole Sweet Friend,
I came by today to say thank you for lifting my spirits by leaving a beautiful prayer on my blog the other day while I was feeling so low.
Your post today is proof that you are just a real as the rest of us and makes me feel a little better about my whiney post on Tuesday.
I am truly blessed and doing much better today. So, again thank you.
Blessings, Cindy
We're "still" in need of a savior even after all these years. Go figure?? Blessings as you again turn toward HOME!!
You know what??? I think the fact that many of us are feeling icky is no coincidence...I think the evil one sees how God is using us and wants to get us distracted and discouraged. I am so sick of thinking about me, me, me all the time!
Hang in there...Sunday's coming! Love you friend, Lee
The very middle of the Bible is where you you will find your answer to the tough times you are talking about here.
Psalms 118:8
Your pain I feel.
I Love you Ninnie
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