Happy Friday friends! So the ark building has been put on hold...the rain has let up a little...so I sent the Engineer back off in the direction of airplanes...he's a happy camper! But my hair...there is a steadfast focus and count down til next Wednesday....
As we are journeying through this book together we are talking about truly enjoying life, lightening up, and purposefully celebrating all that God has for us! All this talk about celebrating has me truly wishing we could get together and celebrate together..that is a feature I miss from blogging...personal in face interacting with you precious friends! So instead of getting us all together to drink Oregon Chai and cookies with totally cute shoes on...I will do the next best thing....read on...
Chapter 6 is titled Celebrate through Giving and the chapter can be summed up in this paragraph below;
"We would quickly add a lot of celebration time to our lives if we would take the time to give thanks and perhaps some other type of offering when God does amazing things for us. An attitude of gratitude shows a lot about the character of a person. We should never have an attitude of entitlement, but we should have one that says, 'I know I don't deserve God's goodness, but I am sure grateful for it'." (pg 53-54)
The Bible is jam packed full of people celebrating. There are recorded stories of people building memorials, altars...all to thank God and remember what He has done for them.
Noah celebrated coming off the ark.
Abram celebrated his progress as he journeyed with God.
Our lives are full of things to celebrate if we look for them.
There are many opportunities to be celebrating. Small things as well as big things.
The Israelites celebrated getting crossing the Red Sea.
Nehemiah and the Jews were commanded to celebrate when they finished rebuilding the wall.
"Celebration is part of our recovery. It revives us for the next project or job we have to do. Do you take time to celebrate when you finish a project, or do you merely begin the next one?" (pg 57)
If the Designer and Maker of the universe worked 6 days and celebrated, recovered and rested (even though He didn't NEED to) on the 7th day...I think its only appropriate we follow in His foot steps and do the same. Take time to enjoy, to see what God has done in you and through you!
There are many ways to celebrate. God is the ultimate Giver and we will never be able to out give Him. I truly believe what He pours into us is intended to be poured out. Because again He never just 'fills us up', He pours until we are over flowing. And truly a God glorifying and honoring way to celebrate is to GIVE!
We need to be very careful here, and get this in the heart...right to where He wants us to hear it. We are to give out of the overflow and blessings He has lavished on us. Out of a heart full of thanks and blessing the cycle can continue to flow, its a most beautiful thing when lived out in His design.
Joyce writes:
"What we give to others as a result of obedience to God is never lost. It leaves our hands temporarily, but it never leaves our life. We give it, God uses it to bless someone else, and then He returns it multiplied." (pg 59)
I love that!
I am thinking on that today...to live my life as a Giver...giving of my energy, time, commitment, love. As a wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend.
Friends giving isn't just a money thing. Please allow Him to speak to your heart on this today. I am open to hearing Him, and I really think my giving needs to be from a pure heart, a heart that ultimately is celebrating all He has done for me!
There are many ways to celebrate and remember all He has done for us!
Again a girlie can dream about us all having chai, cookies and cute shoes...however today we celebrate this way...
Today I am passing on the blessing of Eat the cookie....buy the shoes, that was given to me by giving a copy away! If you would like to have a copy for yourself leave a comment stating a way you can celebrate what He has done for you and I will enter your name in! I will draw a name on Monday night and announce Tuesday morning! Happy weekend everyone...remember to celebrate!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Good post. Looks like a good book.
I can celebrate by rejoicing in the family God has blessed me with. Got to do that earlier this week at my niece's wedding. Even got to perform it.
I can celebrate the blessings He has given me by telling others. I was able to share on my blog the blessing of Him confirming my calling. I want to always be sure that I let everyone know that all my blessing come from Him.
I can celebrate the blessings He has given me by telling others. I was able to share on my blog the blessing of Him confirming my calling. I want to always be sure that I let everyone know that all my blessing come from Him.
I am a breast cancer survivor by the grace of our God. I celebrate that daily and share His hope with all I encounter who are going through the season of cancer. He is Faithful!
Hey Friend!
I sure missed you while I was away!
My family celebrates by singing and throwing "Happy Fits." The singing is unabandoded...don't care who hears or how we sound it is for God anyway. The "Happy fits" are us freely jumping up and down and shouting praises to our God!
We do these often and it is a funny sight watching a thin 6'3 man, a chubby 5'0 woman and a beautiful pre-teen acting like a bunch of monkeys! I know it makes God smile!
ooops I meant un-abandonment.
You know Nichole, I often think the dearest of all celebrations are the ones that come from a sacrifice of praise...the broken hallelujah...the 'though He slay me, yet I will trust Him'. True celebration needs to be a daily occurrence, independent of feeling and circumstance. We can celebrate who God is through tears and laughter...and I think both bless His heart.
Celebrating Him,
Quoted from your post: "God is the ultimate Giver and we will never be able to out give Him. I truly believe what He pours into us is intended to be poured out. Because again He never just 'fills us up', He pours until we are over flowing. And truly a God glorifying and honoring way to celebrate is to GIVE!"
This is always something I pray not just for myself but for others as well.
I celebrate life through "The Living Water", Jesus Christ, my savior. He brought my life up out of the pit of despair and has made me "ALIVE" and I celebrate it. Praise the LORD!
I am really enjoying following your journey. The idea of celebrating by giving is fantastic. God is currently doing some amazing things in my life... My heart is so full...
How can I celebrate?! I try to make each day special(some days I don't do so well, but I'm encourage to get back to it). It doesn't take much. It is the shift in my attitude.. living in praise... joy... And, enjoying a weekly celebration on the Sabbath!
I LOVE giving...It is one of my favorite things to do. Today I celebrate by giving to my family unselfishly serving them and giving them my undivided attention. Tomorrow it will be another day and another way to celebrate ... maybe paying it forward at a drive through or annoymous flowers on someones desk or may just a note of encouragement, however it happens, I will celebrate!!!
Blessings, Cindy
Since getting to know my cousin and really becoming more like sisters, I throughly enjoy giving her things. (I think that if I had a biological sister I would have felt this way.) It's my way of celebrating who God has put in my life and as a thank you offering to Him.
Blessings, AE
Oh! That's what I get for not being on the computer much...I miss out on a giveaway! ;) You are so sweet. :)
Actually, I have been trying to celebrate more...celebrate the blessing of getting to stay home for the summer with my three sweet gals. Celebrating extra time with family. And that has meant less time on the computer for this computer addict. :)
Hugs to you, you cute shoe wearin' Jesus lovin' gal!
K :)
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