Now if that is not a chapter title that is hard to swallow I am not sure what it is!!
Before we dive into the third chapter of this book adventure I do want to make sure everyone knows my heart...I am a Jesus loving girl...and also a firm believer that His word is the ultimate source of truth...but I have heard from Him in many different sources...other books...secular and commercials...friends...other please know I don't put this book that we are journeying through together before the Word...or in any means deem it my only spiritual food at this moment in life.
Which so conveniently brings me to the first 'highlighted' point in chapter 3. And Joyce writes,
"God often works through unlikely vessels and in unusual ways to give us courage and strength" (pg 20)
Friends not to weird you out but this actually happened to me today...yep! I check the mail everyday before youngest little guy and I go get the oldest little guy from school. And in the mailbox was a manila envelope from a blog friend...and inside was a beautiful sun catcher...a card filled with love, encouragement and such sweet words...and a VERY generous gift to be used towards She Speaks! Friends the highlight for me is that through a person I have never met in person...never seen face to face...never talked with even over the phone...but would love to...God brought strength and encouragement. He loved all over me!
I share this 'mailbox Jesus loving on me moment' with you tonight because it helps me understand this whole chapter 3 a bit better.
In chapter 3 Joyce helps us understand there are times for extravagance. Joyce reminds us of the story found in the book of Matthew of the woman who pours a very expensive perfume all over Jesus' head. It was her way of showing Him her love. While everyone around Him saw this as wasteful and silly, some even claimed it was down right irresponsible. Jesus saw her heart!
"But religious legalism leaves no room to be led by the Holy Spirit." (pg 20)
Where is our focus? What is our focus?
Do we look at what is going on with our minds or with our hearts?
I will be completely honest there were moments this afternoon after opening that gift that was in my mailbox that I stated 'I don't deserve this', 'I am sure this was a sacrifice for my friend', 'I am sure this could have went to someone more worthy'?!?!
"When we look at things with the eyes of our heart we are more likely to see from God's view" (pg 21)
Me analyzing this gift was denying and not choosing to recognize it as what it was a gift. Given by a sweet and precious daughter of God...who truly allows our Maker to work in her and through her. And because of her sweet and precious Jesus filled flowed out of her onto me!
Joyce encourages us in this chapter to remember we have to work and then enjoy the fruit of our labor.
I tend to be too busy working most of the stop and truly enjoy. I am reminded that even the God of the universe who with the mighty works of His hands...worked 6 days and rested!
And then I got to page 23 and there was a chorus of angels singing loudly and applauding as I read these words...
"God gave us our emotions, and it is not wrong to do what is needed to keep them strong and healthy. We must not allow our emotions to rule us, but denying their existence is equally dangerous."
Why the whole angel chorus singing?...Because they are already celebrating the moments when my heart will truly grasp those two above statements. As in this moment I am still processing. I know I was created like this...the emotional leading with the heart kinda girlie I its onto how to live in a healthy balance and all Him to direct the emotions!
Joyce also spends some time in this chapter addressing how we go through different seasons in our life, ones in which He has us follow different guidelines. Ones in which there are no shoes and no cookies until we truly learn that all we NEED is Him.
I am encouraged tonight to seek Him and ask Him for the strength to live life with the right heart attitude. Knowing nothing is wasted if used for the right purpose.
"When people have a right heart toward God they do things in balance and are always concerned about representing God in a proper way." (pg 28)
And my sweet and precious blogging nailed that one from above...your heart has sure touched mine today. For you allowed Jesus to work through bless and encourage me...and for that I am grateful and sending a very heart felt thank you right to ya! I love you Cindy!
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
God's timing is always MORE than perfect!!! Love you!
Accepting the gracious gifts of others is difficult for me. I am at a stage of life that I have received much more than I can ever repay. After reading your blog, I realize that God is showing me through others that this is what He is doing for me!
Thank you for letting me share in some of your journey.
Gifts from others bother me sometimes, I feel I don't deserve them. but God blesses us in many different ways. I, too, also learn from other books, inspirational fiction, people, but like you I know the Bible is my main source. I, too, appreciate your sharing your heart. It helps to know there are others who deal with problems and life in the same way I do, that I'm not alone. However, I do know that God is with me always and He cares about even the littlest things. Sometimes I misplace something and will look and look but cannot find it. That's when I say "OK God you know where I put it will you please show me." It won't be long until I find it. I've done that a lot and it still amazes me when God answers that small, insignificant prayer. Oh, praise His Holy Name. He deserves our worship and praise always.
Blessings, AE
Very well blessed. Great post. Thank You LORD!
God does seem to send us blessings through others just like he can use us to pass a blessing on. Today you have blessed me and I plan to pass it on to all I know.
You are soooo deserving and I also want to thank your friend. Nichole you continue to amaze me. I love how you are such a loyal friend. I love how you touch others through your writing. I am so lucky to call you my friend. I am counting the days:) God knew exactly what he wanted you to do and you are doing it On Purpose!
Love ya
My emotions have been both bane and blessing, but I've learned to appreciate them rather than diminish them. If you're feeling joyful and fully loved, friend, LIVE IT! And thank God for it. This is exactly an overflow of what He feels for you.
Love this post, sweet girl! It is hard to accept certain gifts, but this is one from the Lord via your precious friend!! I am so excited for you! Happy dance time!! I would love to be able to see you at SS, but I am not going this year! I do want to try to pop in and say "hey" to some friends on Thursday if at all possible! Pray! Love you!
What a wonderful gift!
'mailbox Jesus loving on me moment'
I love it! That's exactly what He was doing.
I just wrote a post for Friday, which fits so well with what you were saying here. Do stop by!
Love you,
:) So excited to see how God is continuing to provide for you! So love how He is showing you that you ARE worth so much! (He has to work on me with that one, too!!!!)
Love you!
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