as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many. 2 Corinthians 1:11
Thank you so much for your prayers for me and my family. For you have all prayed not knowing the details of the circumstances...yet knowing and believing in the God who does!
Wherever you may find yourself today:
As a wife or husband
As a daughter or son
As a parent
As a friend
As a co-worker
As a neighbor
As a teacher
are you being sincere?
Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God. 2 Corinthians 2:17 (emphasis mine)
Now I know this verse above is speaking to preachers and teachers of God word. Those who have been called into ministry. It is speaking to preachers who were going around sharing God's word without understanding or caring about what happened to their listeners. They were not concerned about building up the kingdom of God, they were in it for the money.
Do you believe that you are to speak for God?
Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:18-20
I believe we are all called to speak for God. It starts wherever we are and goes wherever we are. In our homes, with our families, friends, and neighbors.
So the challenge today is to:
Be Sincere
How should it sound when you speak for God? Sincere. From a heart overflowing with His love, grace and comfort.
May we be sincere in our thoughts, words and actions.
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
Let me be your hands and feet...This morning I prayed. The sad look on the little six year this morning when I told him no...Yes Lord in ten minutes I can be dressed and the cakes can be out of the oven. The smile on a childs face, Lord you never cease to amaze me. Thank-You Father in heaven when I'm to busy, you say go...Continue to be my hands and feet today, use me in all I say, think and do. For it is in Your Sons name I give praise for today. Amen.
Love You, Mom
Nichole, as a Christian, a pastor and teacher of the Word I ABSOLUTELY APPRECIATE this message! We are ALL as Christians called to be ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With humble hearts (sincere) we must study the Word, live the Word and share the Word in truth, with compassion and sincerity. We are representatives of Christ here on earth. He spoke what the Father told Him and we speak what the Son (our Lord) has taught us.
Let's also pray for each other and all in the body of Christ to be sincere, compassionate and caring and show that Christ is alive in us.
Great message!
***I received your message of appreciation on my blog. Thank you my sister in Christ. It's an honor to pray for you and your family.
God bless.
Nichole, I wouldn't have it any other way. Being sincere is a very serious thing to me. I claim the scriptures you shared. Praise God! Amen.
I am praying for your family. I feel blessed to be able to pray for you. Thank you for asking. Please lean on me when you need. Know that you are loved.
Be sincere--have I truly done that today? Not 100%...but I am a work in progress. Thank you, sweet friend for this challenge! YOu are awesome!
Love you!
Sincerity. Such a great that goes right along with another word God challenged me with today. Authentic.
I know I need to take these words to Him and ask Him to examine my heart. I am so thankful He will perfect that which concerns me!
Learning to surrender more each day,
K :)
(Love you!)
Sometimes I'm a little too sincere - that is a say what I am thinking without stopping to guage it. I am working on that. When my thoughts are more Christ-like, then my words will be too.
Thank you for that challenge! I agree that we are all called to speak for God and He places us in our particular families, jobs, volunteer groups, neighborhoods not by accident but for that purpose that we would minster to others and share what God has spoken to our hearts. I am so thankful for His Word especially in parenting as it helps to have Him for back up! Thank you for your thougtful challenges and motivations. I will continue to pray for you and your family!
Oh me...I shouldn't have read this...;o} I have such a desire to speak my mind to someone right now.
I know I should, the situation has to stop...but at the same time I know I should portray Christ in doing so. Boy, oh boy...may God grant me the words and His wisdom tomorrow.
Have a great week girl!
I want to speak for God wherever I am. I want to reflect Him to the world around me. Yes - being sincere. Thanks for this challenge.
This is a great reminder!! Hope you and your family are doing well.
I've been behind in my bloggy visits but glad I read this. Sincerity is an absolute must. People know when someone is not sincere and then the word or deed becomes an insult instead of a blessing.
Sincere. A great word to ponder. One I want to live out. Thanks again for another thought provoking post, for another Friday Challenge!
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