We have entered a season for seeking, expecting and believing. This holiday season may we be reminded of who we seek, who we expect and who we believe. The Holy Spirit directed me and those of you who are joining me, into a perfect time for this 40-day journey.
Seek God
We started by asking our question and seeking our answer from God.
I have to say this is Day 11 of this journey and boy has it been a crazy 11 days, and I can personally tell you that the enemy has put up a HUGE fight and thrown a lot of mud at this here Pacific Northwest girly! So you know what that means right? Watch out girls…God is doing some “incredible, mind blowing, knock the socks right off your tootsies kinda work!” And the enemy doesn’t like this so he is trying to yell to keep me from hearing His voice. The enemy doesn’t want me to see the work God is doing so he is blurring my vision. Is the enemy throwing mud at you? Well I know who I am fighting against, and the more I seek God, I know the enemy works even harder to distract me. What about you? Do you know who you are fighting against? Do you know how the enemy is trying to interrupt you and keep you from seeking God? You need to know who you are fighting against and you need to know how to fight. (Ephesians 6:10-20)
I encourage you to keep seeking God in this journey and know that you can fight the enemy, and God will equip you with everything you need to fight that fight and come out a winner!
Expect God
If you are looking for Him expect to see Him. Expect God to answer you, because He will! He will answer because He cares for you. He will rescue because you are worth being rescued. He will love you because you are His. He will hold you because He desires to spend time with you. He will strengthen you and bring you hope because that’s what He does!
Believe God
We need to believe God. Believe God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do! Believe His answer. Believe He has your best interest in mind. For He has the great eternal picture packed full of purpose, and He answers you on purpose, with purpose. Believe God!
In this season may we be seeking the One who we can expect to answer, who is the One worth believing.
Running from Shame — Lisa’s latest release
2 days ago
This post is awesome!! And so are you! I am only 11 days behind you in journaling!! But, as I sat in Sunday School yesterday, I realized what direction I need to take for this adventure.
Love you!
Our family celebrates Advent with readings, prayers, candles, etc. It's such a treasured time of year for me. Theses kinds of adventures, no matter their shape, are filled with expectation of knowing & seeing God newly, again, and more. Blessings as you go on your way!
I love this...seeking, expecting, believing.
This post is awe inspiring. Thanks so much for allowing God to use you to reach us. I thank Him for allowing me to come across your blog to feed me. Praise GOD!
seeking, expecting, believing.
The language of Advent. May we all pilgrim to the manger accordingly.
This is so very good. Is this with a particular study you are doing? How appropiate for this season!!
In His Graces~Pamela
Seeking, Expecting and Believing alongside you,
I am seeking, I am expecting and I am so BELIEVING!
Thank you-Love ya Cindy
I'm still seeking...not sure I've reached the stage of expecting yet. I definitely believe, because whatever happens is in His control and all that is great!
I have found some unexpected (by me, anyway) peace along with the recent seeking.... More to come.
Seeking, Expecting, Believing....
I got chill bumps as you mentioned that the enemy is throwing obstacles in your path. You know your on the right path when that happens! What a brave and wise girly of God you are!
May God continue to bless you on this journey. May you feel God's presence every step of the way. May He make your feet step confident and sure and make your vision His vision.
My prayers are with you my friend!
God has made you SUCH an encourager! You are a blessing! Okay...I think I tell you that a lot, but just cause it's true! :)
Praying for you as you continue to seek, expect, and believe!
Hi beautiful friend!
Thank you for your constant love and encouragement, and thanks for this post!
Truth is the theme of my life right now. I'm tired of believing Satan's lies. Truth, truth, truth!!!
Love, Lee
Your title *struk* me even before I clicked it to come over here. Just today I was wondering if a certain circumstance was a part of the answer I have been looking for. Still seeking and yes, expecting and believing.
I have to tell you that this is the third time tonight I have been asked if I was ready to fight. The first was an unusual and unexpected conversation on the phone. I will have to pray about that, and for you too. Thanks Nichole.
Haha! Struck not struk. :)
I truly enjoyed this post. May we all continue to keep seeking, expecting and believing God to exceedingly and abundantly above all we can ask for or think of.
Great post Nicole! Love what the Lord is doing through this journey your on!
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